Honoring Armed Forces Day
This Saturday is Armed Forces Day, a day that pays tribute to the heroic men and women who serve our country in the armed forces as part of the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and the Coast Guard.
The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated on Saturday, May 20, 1950. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, Armed Forces Day was created to educate the public on the role of the military and unify military forces under one government department. Each year, a new theme is introduced on Armed Forces Day, such as patriotism, liberty, security and peace.
What You Can Do
There are various activities to take part in nationwide to show your support. To honor those in uniform on Armed Forces Day, you can attend local parades or celebrations, or donate to various charities like Support the Troops or our very own
Flags for Fallen Vets, an organization that places an American flag on the gravesite of every fallen veteran across cemeteries nationwide each Memorial Day.
Our own Sue Balch serves on the advisory board for this incredible organization, and as a major sponsor of Flags for Fallen Vets, Balch Logistics is proud to support our nation’s military forces.
As a way to show our appreciation to our country’s heroes and all they do to serve and protect us, Balch Logistics offers a military discount. If you are looking to show your support and donate to Flags for Fallen Vets, you can visit the website here, or call Sue Balch directly at 877.859.4401. We hope you have a celebratory Armed Forces Day!