Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Balch Logistics wants to send warm thoughts and happy wishes for a bright and special Mother’s Day. Whether you surprise her with flowers or breakfast in bed, go to the movies, or enjoy a stroll in the park, here’s some insight into the day mothers everywhere look forward to.

    The History

    Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 after she resolved to honor the death of her mother and her mother’s wish that someone would one day pay tribute to all mothers in order to appreciate and celebrate their contributions. After writing hundreds of letters to officials, she gained the support of the great Philadelphian merchant and philanthropist, John Wanamaker. Mother’s Day became an official U.S. holiday in 1914.


    From writing cards to extravagant buffet brunches, Mother’s Day has become a staple in American society. This year, do something special for your wife, mother or grandmother, even if it’s an appreciative phone call while you’re on the road.

    From all of us at Balch Logistics, we want to wish a happy Mother’s Day to all those moms who work so hard! We hope this year is extra special.

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