Bring In 2015 with a Crash, Bang, and Boom

  • Bring In 2015 with a Crash, Bang, and Boom

    Bring In 2015 with a Crash, Bang, and Boom

    A new year, a new you, and something new to do. You can reflect upon 2014 or move forward with more gusto and precision, just make sure there’s some fun in there. Balch Logistics has some tips for making 2015 the most enjoyable, sociable, and fruitful year yet.

    Take Risks

    We only live once. Bungee jump, skydive, take an improv class, or overcome your fear of public speaking. All are a little scary. Nothing beats a little fear, than added camaraderie. Bring along a friend for added support. Can’t get them to commit? Make a commitment to yourself. Mark it in your calendar, call a friend for a jumpstart, and take that leap. Reward yourself afterward with praise, ice cream, a happy dance… whatever you do that brings joy.

    Make it Visible

    Say your 2015 bucket list is filled with career goals like building clientele, increasing sales, or improving marketing efforts. Whatever the goal, write it down. Keep it visible. Hang it on your refrigerator, post it on your bathroom mirror, or leave it on the dashboard of your car. Just make sure to read it daily.

    Break it Down

    Ever hear of SMART goals. They’re specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-oriented. Break down lofty goals like flying to Australia, increasing customer sales, or purchasing that hot new sports car, into tangible tasks you can make small strides toward daily. For example, if your goal is to fly to Australia. Decide what city or cities you want to visit, determine how long you can manage to get away realistically, and set a specific date. Keep it practical. Can you afford to go? How much do you need to save? You get the gist. Just make it smart.

    Taking risks adds vigor to life, keeps you engaged, attuned and ready for anything. You are the driver of your life. Push the pedal to the metal and move forward into 2015. Make sure you include Balch Logistics in your auto transport plans. Maybe you’re big risk is moving to a new city, or purchasing that new luxury car you have had your eye on with your holiday bonus. Whatever your vehicle needs, Balch Logistics is here to arrange the timely, safe transport of your precious cargo whenever you need in all 50 states and Canada.

    We rank among the top auto transport brokers in the country for a reason. Contact us today at 281-859-4400 we would love to help you make the most of your New Year! ! Check out our website for more information on our many services.

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